Jeanne's elderhood journey

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Turning 70

It's the evening before my 70th birthday. I'm getting ready to retire from my job at the University of MI after almost 20 years! We're in the midst of a pandemic. The world feels so uncertain. 

I had hoped that the prospect of turning 70 would cause me to write songs, create some amazing piece of performance art... Didn't happen yet, but the year is just beginning! these days, I find comfort in deep connections with family, friends, & kindred spirits new and old, and the lovely habitat Pattie has nurtured in our back yard. Cardinals, flickers, nut hatches, blue jays, downy woodpeckers, an occasional hawk. The feral cat hanging out on the porch, the hummingbird who shows up to enjoy our bee balm...

I have a lot to be grateful for--AND this is a really hard time to be alive. 

